Astronomy Observation Event

An astronomy observation event will be held at Sapfous Square, where attendees will have the opportunity to admire the Moon through a telescope. The event is organized by the Astronomy […]

Wildlife – Let’s Explore the Magical World of the Jungle!

Δημοτικη Βιβλιοθηκη Μυτιληνης Ευγενία Κλειδαρα Δοιράνης, Γιαννιτσών, Μυτιλήνη, Greece

Have you ever wondered why zebras have black and white stripes? Or what a chameleon has in common with a rainbow? And how do chameleons adapt to temperature changes? The […]

Come Play Music

Sappho Square P. Kountouriotou, Mytilene, Greece

This year, the Mytilene Municipality Music Festival introduces a new educational theme and invites the young musicians of the island to a celebration filled with music. Our goal is to […]